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Yogananda wallpaper

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Simply right-click on the image, and when the drop down menu appears one of the options will say "Set as Background" or "Select as Background". Simply left click on these words and the image should become your new desktop wallpaper.

The screen size of these images is 1024 pixels by 768 pixels.

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WALL051 SRF Altar wallpaper

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WALL052 srf kriya painting


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WALL053 Self-realization gurus wallpaper
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WALL054 Yogananda advice painting
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WALL055 ananda kriya yoga wallpaper
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WALL056 Krishna quote painting
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WALL057 Yogananda quote wallpaper
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WALL058 Meditation quote painting
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WALL059 Sri Yukteswar quote wallpaper
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WALL060 Yogananda precept wallpaper
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WALL062 Yogananda precept wallpaper
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WALL063 Yogananda saying painting
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WALL064 Yogananda affirmation wallpaper
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WALL065 Affirmation Yogananda painting
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WALL066 Sayings of Yogananda wallpaper
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WALL067 Teachings of Yogananda painting
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WALL073 Paramahansa Yogananda painting
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WALL075 Yogananda Paramahansa 30 painting
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WALL077 Swami sri Yukteswar painting
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WALL81 The divine romance painting
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WALL099 yogananda samadhi painting
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WALL101 yogi Yogananda painting
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WALL102 Yogananda and Esraj wallpaper
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WALL103 Autobiography of a Yogi painting
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WALL104 The yoga of Jesus wallpaper
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WALL105 Journey to Self Realizatino painting
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WALL106 Metaphysical Meditatations wallpaper
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WALL107 Mans Eternal Request painting
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WALL108 Encinitas SRF wallpaper
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WALL109 Mount Washington painting

Click here to read an in depth essay with extensive excerpts by Paramahansa Yogananda on how gemstones and metals can mitigate or nullify the effects of negative Karma.

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These images are provided free of charge as wallpapers only by . They are not good print quality as they are only 72 dpi resolution. They are only to be used for wallpaper desktop screen backgrounds. They are legally protected by copyright which will be assertively enforced if they are printed for resale, put on websites or marketed or promote other services or products without prior written permission from Nick Hodgson of Astrogems. Astrogems has compiled these images from its stock of copyrighted hand painted oil paintings. To delete or crop out the copyright is breach ofthe legally enforceable copyright terms.

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